Upcoming events 2024-25

Save the dates for our upcoming ASA events! 

ASA Fall Welcome 10.10

Join us to celebrate the new year in community with peers, staff, and faculty in Hart Hall 3201 at 3PM. 

Curtis Chin "Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant" Reading 10.10


"Threshold" 10.17-10.20

Mondavi center dance performance, click for tickets  (required for ASA189 Re-viewing Anti-Asian Violence and ASA 121 Asian American Performance)

image for threshold performance

"Stars, Earth, and Coral: Pacific Entanglements and Futures Beyond the Human" 10.24-10.25

Research symposium with Nicole Furtado, Frances Tran, and Aimee Bahng 10.24 (Hart Hall 3201 4-6PM)

Mondavi Center performance with Astria Suparak: "Asian Futures, Without Asians" (Tickets here, 7:30 PM)

Breakfast 10.25

Astria Suparak image


Jasbir Puar 11.7

Research talk (Hart Hall 3201)

"Abolition: Race, Capitalism, and Empire" 2.6-2.7

Research symposium with Naomi Paik, Iyko Day, and Vernadette Vicuna Gonzalez (Hart Hall 3201, 4-6PM)

Mimi Khuc 2.7

Research talk (Hart Hall 3201)