EVENT: 2/29 "Free Chol Soo Lee" Film Screening

"Free Chol Soo Lee" Film Screening & Panel Discussion

UC Davis King Hall 1001 , Thursday, February 29, 4:30 PM to 8:00 PM


Please join us for a free screening of the film "Free Chol Soo Lee," along with a panel discussion from a range of activists and prominent figures at UC Davis King Hall (law school) Room 1001 on Thursday, February 29 from 4:30 PM to 8:00 PM. The panel will be co-moderated by Professor Richard Kim (ASA) and Professor Raquel Aldana (School of Law). Refreshments provided. See flyer for more details! Hope to see you there! Reach out for any questions. 

Flyer for "Free Chol Soo Lee" Film Screening